Jacobs Olive Grove

Our Jacob’s Olive grove is located next to a small and quiet village near Biograd na Moru. Just 20 minutes from the Zadar airport and 5 minutes to the coastal villages of Sveti Filip i Jakov and Turanj, from the grove you have a look into a vast valley that reminds a bit of Tuscany with the huge Velebit mountain range in the background. Our olive grove produces very high quality EVOO in limited quantities and the trees are about 28 years old. We learned from our neighbours Danilo (Don Daniele), Vid & Eva (son and daughter of Danilo). Thanks to them, the introduction and learning how to cultivate olives and have excellent EVOO, was much easier. We harvest our olives by hand, very early and only olives from the tree make it to the mill. No olives from the ground will be collected. The mill is just an 8 minutes drive from our grove.

Our first harvested extra virgin olive oil of October 2022 had the following laboratory results:

The variety of olives: Oblica, Karbunčela and Leccino.